Economic Research Institute
This institute conducts surveys and research on various economic and management aspects of the machine industry, and works to spread its findings widely by publishing different kinds of survey and research reports, by hosting lectures and study sessions, and through other activities. In addition, it collects and organizes books, information materials and electronic information concerning the machine industry from both inside and outside Japan, runs the Business Information Commons (BIC) Library and provides support to people involved in Japan's machine industry.
Research activities
Research projects

The institute works on highly original research projects, on subjects including on growth strategies contributing to the growth of the Japanese machine and information industries, and the improvement of these industries' international competitiveness.
【Major research projects】
(1) Regional economies/Industrial district;
(2) Globalization/Newly industrializing economies;
(3) Fundamental technologies/R&D/Human resources;
(4) Environment/Resources/Energy;
(5) Small- to medium-sized businesses/Venture businesses; etc.
Research projects
Trend analysis for the Japanese machine industry
The institute issues annual reports entitled "Nihon no Kikai Sangyo" (literally, "Machine Industry of Japan") to provide
summaries of supply and demand trends, business and management environments, future challenges and other aspects of more than 30 sectors within Japan's machine industry.
Commissioned industrial research
The institute undertakes research projects for third parties so as to help Japan's machine industry and local authorities with the establishment of measures to promote the industry, as well as with the devising of growth strategies, by taking advantage of the research findings which the institute has amassed so far. It aims to first receive contracts from machine-related industry associations and local governments and then to expand its services to include research projects concerning industry-university-government cooperation and commissioned research projects based on joint research with other foundations in Asia, in South Korea, for example.
Communication of findings
The institute provides useful information to people in different related fields through activities such as issuing research reports and summaries, giving lectures on the machine and information industries, holding briefing sessions and hosting monthly STEP Workshops.
【Main publications】
○ Machine Industry Economic Research Report ○ Institute News ○ Institute Journal (in English)
○ Research reports published on the website ○ Other publications
Creation and communication of information

The institute runs the Business Information Commons (BIC) library, developed by adding business support functions to its predecessor, the Machine Industry Library. By taking advantage of its functions, this library contributes to the further growth of the machine industry through its services for the provision of quality information.
【Main information provision services】
(1) Undertaking commissioned research projects for members and venture businesses by taking advantage of the library's statistical data;
(2) Acting as a point of contact for consultations concerning market and management information related to industry-university-government cooperation; and
(3) Providing a wide range of useful services and communication opportunities to associations for machine-related industries and to various other bodies (through our Industrial Vision Salon, Consultation Corner, etc.).